Reports of the National Center for Science Education

New OSU Dean an Evolution Activist

Joan M Herbers, recently appointed Dean of the College of Biological Sciences at the Ohio State University, has a history of active support for evolution education — one that she expects to continue. Herbers comes to OSU from Colorado State University, where she headed the Biology Department for 8 years. She was active in supporting evolution education during a creationist episode in the Poudre School District in Fort Collins, Colorado, as she and NCSE member Michael F Antolin describe in their "Evolution's struggle for existence in America's public schools" (Evolution 2001 Dec; 55 [12]: 2379-88; see also RNCSE 1999; 19 [4]: 4-5 and 1999; 19 [5]: 10). Herbers told the Columbus Dispatch (2002 Sep 8) that she plans to participate in the process of developing science education standards based on strong evolutionary foundations.
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