Climate Change Bill of Rights launched

Climate Science Students Bill of Rights logoNCSE is pleased to announce the launch of the Climate Science Students Bill of Rights, which articulates the principle that all students deserve the best climate science education available as part of a 21st-century science education. Sponsoring the bill of rights along with NCSE are Climate Parents, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and the Alliance for Climate Education.

In a July 10, 2014, press release, the four organizations explained that they plan to "work across the country to bring together parents, students, teachers, administrators, and concerned citizens to support high-quality climate science education and speak out about attacks on efforts to improve it."

Such attacks have occurred across the country at both the local and state level. The most recent attack at the state level was in Wyoming, where, as NCSE previously reported, the state legislature adopted a budget derailing the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards because of concern about the NGSS's inclusion of climate change.

NCSE's Mark McCaffrey commented, "students have a right to learn about the causes, effects, risks, and possible responses to climate change, but unfortunately, some vested interests are intent on perpetuating doubt, denial, and confusion about the connection between human consumption of fossil fuels for energy and the changing climate."

Yet McCaffrey was optimistic: "Working together, we can make sure that young people have the knowledge and know-how they will need to make informed decisions about these vital issues." The text of the Climate Science Students Bill of Rights, along with a form allowing people to indicate their support and to register to receive updates, is available on NCSE's website.