A preview of Reality Check

NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Donald R. Prothero's Reality Check: How Science Deniers Threaten Our Future (Indiana University Press, 2013). The preview consists of the whole of chapter 5, "Hot Enough For You? The Heated Debate over a Warming Planet," in which Prothero discusses the scientific evidence for global climate change, debunks the most common challenges to it, and describes the organized opposition to acknowledging the reality of climate change.

Donald R. Prothero is Emeritus Professor of Geology at Occidental College and Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology; his honors include the 2013 James Shea Award of the National Association of Geology Teachers for outstanding writing and editing in the geosciences. The reviewer for Publishers Weekly described Reality Check as giving "the science-minded something to cheer about, a brief summary of the real data that supports so many critical aspects of modern life."