Science Is Constantly Evolving

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A recent article in Nature Geoscience, “Low simulated radiation limit for runaway greenhouse climates,” raises some unsettling concerns. While almost everyone knows CO2 is a greenhouse gas, fewer people realize that water vapor is also a powerful absorber of infrared radiation. But while CO2 can…
NCSE is pleased to announce the launch of its new blog, Science League of America. Its title, as Josh Rosenau discloses in his welcome post, is taken from the Science League of America, a proto-NCSE run by the polymath Maynard Shipley in the 1920s. "We can think of no better way to honor Shipley…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Robert Martin's How We Do It: The Evolution and Future of Human Reproduction (Basic Books, 2013). The preview consists of chapter 5, "Growing a Large Brain," in which Martin discusses the connection of brain evolution and reproduction, commenting…
Explore the Grand Canyon with NCSE! Reservations are now available for NCSE's next excursion to the Grand Canyon — as featured in the documentary No Dinosaurs in Heaven. From July 3 to July 11, 2014, NCSE will again explore the wonders of creation and evolution on a Grand Canyon river run…
A recent poll (PDF) conducted for the League of Conservation Voters suggests that young voters regard climate change as a threat and are suspicious of climate change denial. A July 26, 2013, press release from the LCV commented, "Climate deniers are so last generation. LCV released a bipartisan…
NCSE is pleased to congratulate Kansas Citizens for Science for receiving a 2013 Outstanding Contributions to Science Education Award from the Kansas Association of Teachers of Science. In the summer 2013 issue of the KATS newsletter, KATS praised KCFS for its efforts, writing (PDF, p. 16):…
July 15 — July 23, 2013 The 2013 Rafters Back row (left to right): Trey Duffy, Andrea Vogt, David Bottjer, Alan Heath, Jim Lippard, Lewis Smith, Steven Newton, Ted Reid Middle row: Linda Breci, Teri Cooper, John Krump, Mary Jean Thompson,…
William J. Guste Jr.William J. "Billy" Guste Jr., who served for twenty years as the attorney general of Louisiana and who assiduously defended the state's Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science in Public School Instruction Act, died on July 24, 2013, at the…