Farewell to Robert Luhn

Robert LuhnNCSE bids farewell to Robert Luhn, who joined NCSE as its first Director of Communication in 2008. Bringing his decades of expertise as a technology and environmental journalist to the job, Luhn was instrumental in raising NCSE's profile among traditional and new media and in connecting journalists with NCSE staff. He also oversaw NCSE's expansion to social media platforms, starting NCSE's Facebook page and Twitter feed, and converting vast amounts of video for posting on NCSE's YouTube channel. Much of his work was behind the scenes, and only occasionally was his wry sense of humor on public display, as in NCSE's "Don't Diss Darwin" video — produced in reaction to a creationist campaign in 2009 to give away a misleadingly edited version of On the Origin of Species — which he wrote, produced, and starred in. All of us at NCSE wish him the best in his new endeavors.