NCSE's new executive director profiled in Science

Amanda L. Townley, NCSE's newly named executive director.

Amanda L. Townley was profiled by Science (November 24, 2023) in advance of her becoming NCSE's new executive director. Townley will become NCSE's third executive director, after Ann Reid and Eugenie C. Scott, on December 4, 2023.

The profile recounted Townley's own journey. "I grew up in a young Earth creationism home, with a worldview that was based in evangelical Christianity and a literal translation of the Bible," she told Science. After learning about evolution and having challenging conversations with her community, she found herself "on a path toward evolutionary biology and science education."

"NCSE is best known for monitoring state and local legislative and ballot initiatives affecting the teaching of evolution," the profile explained, adding that NCSE's portfolio expanded to include climate change in 2012. "It also offers grassroots training and support for beleaguered science teachers around the country."

"Our goal is for all students in the United States to have the opportunity to engage with the scientific evidence [for evolution and climate change]," Townley emphasized toward the end of the profile. "And the sky's the limit."

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.