NCSE's latest in Evolution: Education and Outreach

Evolution: Education and Outreach

"Kentucky's A-minus defense of evolution" (PDF), by NCSE's Glenn Branch, was just published in Evolution: Education and Outreach. The abstract of his article: "A recent report from the Kentucky Department of Education summarizes and responds to comments from the public about the treatment of evolution in the Next Generation Science Standards, under consideration for adoption in Kentucky. The responses are assessed, receiving the overall grade of A-minus, and their usefulness as a model for teachers facing similar comments is discussed."

Founded in 2008, Evolution: Education and Outreach seeks to promote the accurate understanding and comprehensive teaching of evolutionary theory for a wide audience. Starting with its first issue, NCSE regularly contributed a column under the rubric "Overcoming Obstacles to Evolution Education." In 2013, the journal became completely open access, and NCSE plans to continue "Overcoming Obstacles to Evolution Education" under the new system. The first five volumes of Evolution: Education and Outreach are now freely available as well.