NCSE featured in "The War on Science"

"The War on Science," a new episode in the CBSN Originals documentary series REVERB, airing March 8, 2020, examines the intersection of on-line pseudoscience and real-life science education — and NCSE is prominently featured.

NCSE's executive director Ann Reid discusses the history of NCSE and describes the variation in state science standards (at about 8:50), addresses the slogans "just a theory" (at about 15:15) and "teach both sides" (at about 18:10), and discusses the ways in which on-line pseudoscience poses a threat to science education and science literacy in general (at about 19:00).

NCSE Teacher Ambassador Melissa Lau, a sixth-grade science teacher in Piedmont, Oklahoma, is also shown (at about 19:30), using a lesson plan developed by NCSE to teach her students to recognize common techniques of science denial.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.