NCSE featured in Outside on climate change education

A story examining the challenges of teaching climate change education in US schools published in Outside (January 18, 2020) featured NCSE's deputy director Glenn Branch, the NCSE/Penn State survey (PDF) of climate change educators, and NCSE Teacher Ambassador Mary Morrow.

Branch was quoted about the decentralized nature of American education ("very patchworky") and the need for teachers to appreciate "the depth and solidity of the scientific consensus on climate change." He also provided a list comparing the treatment of anthropogenic climate change in state science standards across the country.

Morrow, who teaches anthropogenic climate change in a public high school in Lincoln, Nebraska, despite its absence from her state's science standards, told Outside, "I'm direct with how I address it," adding, "I want to empower my students."

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.