Science and Religion Links

The organizations listed below engage in discussion of religion and science, and/or religion and evolution. NCSE offers no endorsement of the views or perspectives included on these websites, but provides the links as a service to those interested in these subjects. Descriptions of the websites largely are derived from the sites themselves, though occasionally we have added information.

Affiliation of Christian Geologists
The Affiliation of Christian Geologists was formed in 1989 to: promote fellowship among Christian geologists; promote the integrity of geology as a scientific discipline; investigate the ways in which Christian faith and geology bear upon one another; educate the Christian public about geology; develop avenues of witness to non-Christian geologists; promote Christian stewardship and service in the geological sphere; and provide intellectual leadership at the interface between Christian and geologic thought. It is affiliated with the American Scientific Affiliation.

AAAS Evolution Resources
A resource on issues relating to science, religion and evolution. Developed by the AAAS program, Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion (DoSER), which promotes knowledge about developments in science and technology within religious communities, provides opportunities for dialogue between the scientific and religious communities for the sake of mutual understanding, and encourages collaborations that explore the ethical and religious implications of scientific developments.

American Scientific Affiliation
The ASA is an association of evangelical Christians interested in science. One topic of concern (among many) is the creationism and evolution controversy. The ASA is a big tent: there are a few young-Earth creationists, but most members accept evolution. A good site to help illustrate the variety of positions on evolution within Christian theology.

The BioLogos Foundation
BioLogos is a community of evangelical Christians committed to exploring and celebrating the compatibility of evolutionary creation and biblical faith, guided by the truth that “all things hold together in Christ.” [Colossians 1:17] We value gracious dialogue with those who hold other views, and our ever-expanding conversation includes academic and other professionals in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, business and medicine, but also theology, biblical studies, philosophy, history, literature, education and the arts. We count pastors, entrepreneurs, poets, teachers and students among our numbers, and welcome men and women from all walks of life to join in this project of cultural and spiritual reconciliation.

Center for Islam & Science
Center for Islam & Science (CIS) is dedicated to a creative exploration of the Islamic view of science and to a renewal of links with the Islamic tradition. CIS supports academic activities and research that enhances our Islamic and scientific understanding of nature and the human condition.

Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
Founded by Robert J. Russell in 1982, the mission of CTNS is to promote the creative mutual interaction between theology and the natural sciences, through three program areas: research, teaching and public service. The central scientific foci of these programs are physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and genetics, with additional topics in the neurosciences, technology, the environmental sciences, and mathematics. The central theological focus is Christian theology, including ethics and spirituality, with additional attention to the theological issues arising from the engagement between the sciences and world religions.

The Clergy Letter Project
Organized by biologist Michael Zimmerman, the Clergy Letter Project lists over 12,000 members of the Christian clergy who have signed a strong pro-evolution-education statement. The website also hosts comparable statements signed by over 500 rabbis, and by over 200 Unitarian clergy. A spinoff is Evolution Weekend, in which religious leaders discuss science/religion issues with their congregations.

Counterbalance is a non-profit organization working to promote multidisciplinary education on science and religion for a general audience with a specific emphasis on the exploration of appropriate and inappropriate reductionism.

The Episcopal Church Committee on Science, Technology, and Faith
The Episcopal Church Committee on Science, Technology, and Faith maintains a presence on the Episcopal Church website. Of particular interest is the "Catechism of Creation," which includes questions and answers on the compatibility between the scientific theory of evolution and a trinitarian theology of creation.

European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT)
ESSSAT is a scholarly, non-confessional organization, based in Europe, which aims to promote the study of relationships between the natural sciences and theological views. ESSSAT members hail from almost every European country and include members from other continents. Theist members are of varying confessional backgrounds; there also are non-believers and atheists among the membership. As scientists, theologians, philosophers and historians they work on a better understanding of the interactions between two of the most powerful human pursuits, namely religion and science.

ELCA Alliance for Faith, Science, and Technology
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Alliance for Faith, Science and Technology will help the church carry out its mission in a world profoundly influenced by science and technology. In pursuit of this the alliance will expand awareness, encourage conversation, and promote action pertaining to the relationships between science and technology and the faith and life of Christians. The Ecumenical Roundtable on Science, Technology, and the Church is hosted here.

The Great Story
Michael Dowd, a pastor in the United Church of Christ, and his wife, science writer Connie Barlow, administer a website that complements their public lecturing on the 14 billion year science-based sacred story of cosmic genesis. From the formation of the galaxies and the origin of Earth’s life, to the evolution of human technology, they chart the development of self-reflective consciousness and the emergence of comprehensive compassion that can assist humanity in being a blessing to the larger body of life on Earth.

The Ian Ramsey Centre
The Ian Ramsey Centre, founded in 1985 for the study of religious beliefs in relation to the sciences and medicine, is a part of the Theology Faculty in the University of Oxford. Its regular seminar series, open to graduate students and informed members of the public, brings together scientists, philosophers and theologians to explore interests they have in common. The Centre also sponsors regional conferences to encourage new networks for examining connections between theology and the sciences; and through its international workshops it enhances the quality of courses on science and religion that are taught worldwide.

Institute on Religion in an Age of Science
Sponsors of the Star Island conferences; co-publishers of Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science; "working for a dynamic and positive relationship between religion and science since 1954", IRAS is one of the older academic science and religion organizations.

Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science
The Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science (INTERS) is a dynamic, on-line only data base, consisting of extensive, updated entries, signed by scholars who are accomplished in both scientific and humanistic research work. The Encyclopedia is intended to provide sound review articles in the rapidly growing international field of Religion and Science. Each article provides a readable and comprehensive summary of what is currently being discussed in religion and science on specific topics as well as how these topics were discussed historically.

International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR)
The International Society for Science & Religion was established in 2002 for the purpose of the promotion of education through the support of inter-disciplinary learning and research in the fields of science and religion conducted where possible in an international and multi-faith context. The ISSR has issued a position statement on the concept of "intelligent design."

Metanexus Institute
Promoting the constructive engagement of science, religion and the humanities in the communal pursuit of wisdom in order to address humanity’s most profound questions and challenges. Founded in 1998, the Metanexus Institute is a global interdisciplinary think tank involving 240 active groups in 42 countries. The Institute is led by a Board of Directors, an Academic Board and a permanent staff headquartered in Bryn Mawr, PA.

A production of the Center for Naturalism, Naturalism.Org is a resource for those interested in a naturalistic worldview and its personal and social implications. It includes compilations of articles and commentary on a variety of topics, including science, faith and science, and theology. The Three Theories of Origins
Includes resources on theistic evolution, naturalistic evolution, and creation science.

Science & Spirit
Science & Spirit explores how science and religion can work together to address the vital issues of our time. Life’s complexities can weigh heavy on the spirit. Looking at them through the lenses of both science and religion offers insight neither discipline provides alone. We appreciate serious science, and we cover a world of faiths. Our mission is to explore the integration of the scientific and spiritual aspects of our culture in a way that is accessible and relevant to everyday living.

Zygon Center for Religion and Science
The Zygon Center for Religion and Science was established in 1988 as a partnership program of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and the Center for Advanced Study in Religion and Science (CASIRAS). It is dedicated to relating religious traditions and the best scientific knowledge in order to gain insight into the origins, nature, and destiny of humans and their environment, and to realize the common goal of a world in which love, justice, and responsible patterns of living prevail.