Supporting Teachers

We help students overcome common misconceptions about climate change, evolution, and the nature of science.

Jennifer Broo

High School Biology Teacher
Mariemont High School
2/23/18 - Present

Jennifer Broo is particularly interested in the intersection of evolution and climate change. She has published articles in The American Biology Teacher on the evolution of horses and the rapid evolution of Drosophila. She has also presented at numerous conferences and participated in professional development opportunities across the country.

Teacher Talk: Jennifer, Ohio (Climate In the Classroom)
Explore Their Work

In this first installment of our Misconception of the Month video series, NCSE Executive Director answers questions about the coronavirus posed by Jennifer Broo's AP Biology students at St. Ursula Academy in Cincinnati, Ohio. The conversation was prompted by Reid's article, "It's Not About What the Virus Wants, It's What the Humans Do."

Meet the rest of NCSE's Curriculum Study Field Testers