Science Is Constantly Evolving

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by Eric Meikle The Alabama State Board of Education voted on November 8, 2001 to require that a statement referring to evolution as controversial be inserted in science textbooks. Since 1995 an evolution disclaimer (see below) has been pasted in Alabama's state-approved texts. Early this year…
Minnesota school teacher Rodney LeVake sued his Faribault, MN, school district over his claim of a right to teach "evidence against evolution" and intelligent design theory. He lost in Minnesota district court, and lost at the state appeals court level. He has recently filed to appeal his case to…
Join the NCSE News List today to begin receiving the latest news and events in the creation/evolution controversy via e-mail. This list is not a discussion list, but a mechanism for NCSE to make announcements to members and interested parties about developments relevant to protecting the…
Pennsylvania's proposed new science education standards have been approved by both the House and Senate Education Committees. This final revision does not contain the potentially anti-evolution language originally contained in the draft standards. NCSE members and others opposed to opening the…
Representatives of nearly one hundred scientific societies and organizations have signed a letter asking Congress not to adopt the "Santorum Amendment" as part of the revised Elementary and Secondary Education Act now under consideration. The letter asks the House-Senate conference…
by Skip Evans After the events of September 11th, many things in life that held so much significance paled against the loss in New York City, Washington D.C., and in a field in Pennsylvania. All Americans felt they had come face to face with an incomprehensible evil, and indeed it seem to have…
CREATIONISTS WRONG AGAIN Once again, the creationists have blundered when it comes to science, this time presenting misinformation about the universality of the genetic code. The latest creationist attack on the public understanding of science comes in connection with a new 8-hour PBS…
On August 13, 2001 the Lafayette School Corporation board was asked by a Jefferson High School chemistry teacher to remove a formal reprimand placed in his personnel file by the district's superintendent last September. The reprimand accused the teacher "of teaching religion through creationism in…
On July 30, 2001 the North Branch school district board voted 4-3 to adopt an environmental science textbook which had been opposed by two board members because it doesn't mention creationism as an explanation of life and it doesn't refer to evolution as only a "theory". Review…