"The Vigil after Dover"

"Keeping Science and Religion Separate in Schools: The Vigil after Dover" was a free public forum held at Florida State University on May 17, 2006, to discuss the implications for science education posed by the December 20, 2005, federal ruling in Pennsylvania on the nation's first court case involving "intelligent design" -- Kitzmiller v. Dover. Featured at the forum were NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott, Georgetown University theologian John F. Haught and Michigan State University philosopher Robert T. Pennock, both of whom testified as expert witnesses for the plaintiffs in Kitzmiller v. Dover, and from Florida State University, philosopher Michael Ruse, biologist Joseph Travis, and law professor Steven Gey. The forum was moderated by the Pulitzer-prize-winning science writer Deborah Blum. Now a transcript of the forum is freely available on-line, and high-resolution DVDs of the forum are available [Link broken] for only $10, from the University Research Magazine Association, which with FSU's Office of Research sponsored the event.