Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Explore the Grand Canyon with Scott and Gish! Seats are now available for NCSE's next excursion to the Grand Canyon -- as featured in The New York Times (October 6, 2005). From July 3 to 10, 2009, NCSE will again explore the wonders of creation and evolution on a Grand Canyon river…
As part of its efforts to encourage and support members of the clergy who acknowledge the scientific importance of evolution, the Clergy Letter Project is now asking rabbis to sign its open letter concerning religion and science. The letter begins, "As rabbis from various branches of Judaism, we…
Among Canadians, 58 percent accept evolution, while 22 percent think that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years, and 20 percent are unsure, according to a new poll from Angus Reid Strategies. The poll was conducted among a nationwide random sample of 1007 Canadian…
July 30 - August 6, 2008 Standing (left to right): Randy Moore, Chuck O'Dale, Alan Meyer, Andre Lachance, Elliot Halpern, Glenn Branch, Carol L. Smith, Alan Gishlick, Dave Koerner, Eugenie Scott, Cate Matisi, Mark Winslow, Jake Jaramillo, Anne G. Jones, Trudy Matisi-Joyner,…
NCSE Supporter Kenneth R. Miller's new book, Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul," is reviewed in the July 31, 2008 issue of Nature. PZ Myers writes that "Miller is a fine writer who sharply addresses the details of the arguments about intelligent…
Selected content from volume 27, numbers 5-6, of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on NCSE's website, featuring reports on a disastrous excursion for "intelligent design" in Oklahoma, developments in the Answers in Genesis schism, and the failed…
In a statement submitted to the platform committees of both the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee, the Anti-Defamation League reiterated its position on creationism and intelligent design: Creationism, creation science and "intelligent design" theory are all…
NCSE is pleased to congratulate, belatedly, the recipients of the Darwin-Wallace medals for 2008, who include one member and two Supporters of NCSE. In a press release dated May 27, 2008, the Council of the Linnean Society of London announced the award of thirteen medals for "major advances in…
The third issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach -- the new journal aspiring to promote accurate understanding and comprehensive teaching of evolutionary theory for a wide audience -- is now available on-line. Featured are original scientific articles on such topics as co-option,…