The latest on NCSE's YouTube channel

Eugenie C. ScottEugenie C. Scott

NCSE is pleased to announce the addition of a further batch of videos featuring Eugenie C. Scott to NCSE's YouTube channel. The highlights are "Evolution and global warming denialism: How the public is misled," a talk for the Glasgow Skeptics in 2011, and "Crusader against creationism," in which Scott was interviewed by the editor-in-chief of the Scientific American Book Club in 2011. And from the archives come "What Americans think of evolution," delivered at the University of Montana in 2000; a talk for a convocation at Southern Utah University in 1995; and "Just when you thought it was safe to teach evolution," delivered at the University of Louisville in 1991. Plus there's a clip featuring Scott from Randall Balmer's 1995 documentary In the Beginning: The Creationist Controversy. Tune in and enjoy!