NCSE en espa̱ol

NCSE is pleased to announce the debut of NCSE's Recursos en español — the most popular articles from NCSE's website in Spanish translation. Already posted are Controversia acerca del creacionismo, Cuál es la edad de la tierra?, Dios y la evolución, Educación sobre la evolución, Enfrentando los problemas, Entre la ciencia y la religión, Primeras evidencias de vida, and ¿Cómo leer la Biblia? Permíteme contarte las maneras.

NCSE is grateful to Alejandra Estrin Dashe, Julian Giaccobe, Pedro Hernandez, Richard Rodriguez, and Lourdes Sanchez for translating and reviewing these articles. Further articles in Spanish will be posted in the future — please let the NCSE office know if there are articles that you would especially like to see translated. And if you find these resources useful, please bookmark the Recursos en español page!

NCSE is still seeking volunteers to assist in translating selected resources from its website into Spanish. If you read and write both languages fluently, are interested in helping NCSE's outreach to the Spanish-speaking community, and are able to make a serious commitment to the project, you are cordially invited to get in touch with NCSE's Peter M. J. Hess at

Also invaluable for speakers of Spanish who wish to learn or teach about evolution is Comprendiendo la evolución para profesores — a translation, provided by Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva (the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology), of the Understanding Evolution for Teachers section of the acclaimed Understanding Evolution website operated by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.