Catching up with RNCSE

Selected content from volume 30, number 3, of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on NCSE's website. Featured are George F. Bishop, Randal K. Thomas, Jason A. Wood, and Misook Gwon's "Americans' Scientific Knowledge and Beliefs about Human Evolution in the Year of Darwin" and Shelley Emling's "Mary Anning: Fossil Hunter." Plus reviews of Richard Dawkins's latest as well as books for children about the Scopes trial, Darwin's adventures, and even Darwin's marriage.

If you like what you see, why not subscribe to RNCSE today? The upcoming issue (volume 30, number 5) features articles debunking young-earth creationist claims about geology, with Kevin R. Henke on helium diffusion in zircons, Lorence Collins and Barbara Collins on the formation of polonium halos, and Tom Ballieul on the creationist use of polonium halos (which have been billed as "creation's tiny mystery"). Plus there's the usual batch of news, reviews, and commentary. Don't miss out — subscribe (or renew) today!