First Freedom First simulcast: March 26

"Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Separation of Church and State ... but Were Afraid to Ask!" -- a national simulcast sponsored by First Freedom First, a joint project of Americans United for Separation of Church and State and The Interfaith Alliance Foundation -- is coming to theaters around the country on March 26, 2008. According to a First Freedom First press release, "interested citizens will gather to learn about the threats to church-state separation and to demand that presidential hopefuls and candidates for other offices answer questions about key issues dealing with individual freedom. A list of 10 great questions to ask candidates will be featured."

In addition to a host of celebrities -- including emcee Peter Coyote, Kevin Bacon, Michael J. Fox, and Jack Klugman -- and Americans United's executive director the Reverend Barry W. Lynn and The Interfaith Alliance Foundation's president the Reverend Welton Gaddy, the program will also feature Americans who have fought for individual freedom, including Bryan and Christy Rehm, two of the plaintiffs in Kitzmiller v. Dover, the 2005 case in which the teaching of "intelligent design" creationism in the public schools was found to be unconstitutional. Information about the event, including locations, ways to promote it, and videos with sneak peeks, is available from the First Freedom First website.