"Making the Grade?" on ABC News

Making the Grade? map.

"Making the Grade?" — the 2020 study of the treatment of climate change in state science standards conducted by NCSE and the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund — was discussed in an ABC News report (November 29, 2023) on environmental education programs for elementary students in Massachusetts.

"Twenty-nine states in the U.S., including Massachusetts, have science standards of a B+ or better for how they address climate change, according to a report by the National Center for Science Education and the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund that took a close look at how state standards handle the consensus on climate science, the impacts of climate change and possible solutions," according to the ABC News report. "Seven states are ... ranked at a D or F, including Ohio, West Virginia, Florida, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia and Texas, mainly for poor or lack of framework on addressing climate change and environmental issues."

"Making the Grade?" is also cited in the video version of the report, starting at about 2:35; a map shows the twenty-nine B+ or better states and the seven D or F states. In both the report and the video version, the grades for Indiana, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina were updated to reflect the post-2020 revision of the science standards in those states.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.
