Creation/Evolution Journal

About this issue . . .

What evidence can archeologists offer to counter creationist claims? Francis B. Harrold answers that question in this issue's lead article. He shows how actual archeological research by creationists is extremely rare, resulting in their saying little about it in their model. Yet, the evidence from prehistoric archeology puts additional nails in the creationist coffin, especially as it relates to Peking Man. Such archeological data supports the conclusions of paleoanthropologists—not creationists.

What analyses can folklorists bring to bear on the creation-evolution controversy? Wade Tarzia provides an answer in the second article. He analyzes the linguistic tendencies appearing in creationist texts and shows how they more closely resemble folk tradition than science.

Dale F Beyerstein continues the linguistic analysis from a philosophical perspective, noting how creationist rhetoric misuses language in ways that obscure rather than expose the facts. This provides valuable warnings and useful tools to all who contemplate engaging creationists in debate.

And speaking of debate, in this issue we conclude the Brown-Lippard exchange, allowing our readers to have the final say. It is worthy to note that this particular debate has inspired a greater reader response than any previous dialogue, and we are pleased to print a greater-than-usual number of letters.

This version might differ slightly from the print publication.